All hail the king

Bow down to the new king of Hollywood.

Yeah, he represents all the things that are wrong in the Hollywood night life scene.

Yeah, if you found him with his pants down, laying on top of your sister or aunt, you may just loose it.

Yeah, he reminds you of Vegas, Jersey Shore and parts unknown.

Yeah, his swagger is on 12, and his looks are a minus 12, but so what.

Yeah, he drives around in a 1992 Range Rover, but he flosses so hard that he even thinks that its a 2092 Range Rover.

Yeah, he looks like he has "the virus"...but so what, we've all went up in someone raw a few times.

Yeah, he hangs out at the playboy mansion and picks up on the 45 year old Real House Wives of Riverside (but who doesn't after a few cocktails past 1:30am).

Yeah, he hands out his BBM pin to any and everyone with a BlackBerry, but he's just trying to keep you all informed yo! It's not like he's asking you to "GET INVOLVED" is he? Boom!!!!

Yeah, he picks up on the 18 year olds at the high schools and community colleges, why? Because his motto is "old enough to pee, good enough for me".

Yes, he maybe all of the above, but what he also is.....he is the winner and KING OF THE DOUCHEBAGS!

Congrats sir!

The people voted, and you were chosen.

"All Hail the King"

"All Hail the King"

"All Hail the King"

Now let the party begin at: Drai's, Kress, Les Deux, Wonderland and Empire!

This will be my last post, until my next post of course!

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